I find it interesting to speak on different podcasts because everyone always has a slightly different approach and at times I can find it a challenge to adjust to whatever theme is in front of me. That’s why I wanted to post this podcast that I did recently with Brendan Rogers on his channel, The Culture of Leadership.
You’d be forgiven for thinking when I talk about the challenges of adjusting to different podcasts that I’d be referring to specific ones along the lines of what you’ve hopefully listened to above. I actually struggle far more with the number of ‘surf podcasts’ I’ve been on which may come as a bit of a surprise.
Because I spend a lot of time speaking at various conferences that are far from my old comfort zone of surf culture, I’ve definitely learned how to speak to those audiences in a way that hopefully breaks the mould of the stereotypical ‘beach bum’. So transferring back to that surf audience takes a concerted effort on my behalf which is one of the reasons I find it a challenge.
The other reason is often because of the scope of the podcast. I’ve spent so much of my life talking about surfing that I now find it really interesting and exciting when I’m confronted with questions and topics that are outside of that, and The Culture of Leadership is certainly a podcast that I enjoyed for this specific reason.
Brendan’s takeaways from our conversation:
1. Leaders set lofty goals
2. Leaders concentrate on the little things
3. Leaders know circumstances don’t define them
It’s interesting reflecting on what Brendan’s takeaways were from our chat and it’s hopefully further proof that us surfers can speak to more than just ‘waves and stoke’.